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Volunteer Forms

If you've connected with JA already, you can complete your volunteer application forms now.

JA of Greater St. Louis uses Assuresign to complete this process. You will be redirected to a page on the Assuresign secured sites. If AssureSign does not appear automatically, click the Sign Volunteer Conduct Standards link. 

Volunteer Conduct Standards (AssureSign)

Annually, Junior Achievement requires your acknowledgement that you have viewed our Volunteer Conduct Standards, Digital Media Policy, and Media Release forms. Your application is not complete until you eSign these forms. You will be redirected to these forms at AssureSign (our eSignature provide), once you complete the Consutant Data Sheet.

"Annually" means our fiscal year beginning July 1 and ending June 30. If you have signed this form for this school year, you do not have to complete it again.

Complete eSign Volunteer Form

Select a button below to see how you or your organization can get involved with Junior Achievement of New Jersey, Inc..

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